◦Open Saturdays from 6-9pm EST, with occasional extra openings. Keep an eye on your local party finder!◦
◦Located on Zalera at The Mists, W14/P14◦

Welcome to the Fortune's Bloom Cafe!

Come on in and rest your weary feet. Enjoy a tasty treat or refreshing beverage and share tales of your fortune, and foibles, with friends from near and far.
Here at Fortune's Bloom we hope you find comfort and relaxation amidst good food, great music, and even better companions!

Message from the Owner

Since I first entered the world of Eorzea and was able to see all the beautiful places other people have created, I have dreamed of buying and having lots of fun at a place of my very own.After a lot of time spent trying to get a home, and then the process of upgrading, I am now very fortunate to be able to host my very own venue due to all the help from my dear friends and their endless support.Credits for the incredible new design go to the wonderful Mog Lin, who spent hours upon hours perfecting it.
Creating such a design that, in a way, truly speaks to the spirit of the place and atmosphere that I have always hoped to share with others.
It's given the Bloom fresh life, and sparked excitement for what may be waiting in the future!
There is particular credit due to S'ugafri Redbhul, for some of the wonderful ideas they have supplied and help with writing/design for this site.
They have also offered additional help with running and operating the cafe itself, which I would be lost without.
I would also like to pay credit to all the other friends who may have supplied ideas or supported me in various ways.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.
Without these wonderful friends,
I would not have what I do today and would likely never have been able to share this place I dreamed of with the world.
I have truly been blessed with the blooming of luck and good fortune in my life, and I sincerely hope all of my guests will be, as well.


Ooki Himaa

Meet the Staff

All of our staff members put in a lot of effort to keep things running and help out in various ways.
This is the perfect place to learn about your favourite staff member, and what they do to help out!

Ooki Himaa


Always polite and happy to please.Hailing from the Azim Steppe, a merchant offered her a sweet treat like she had never seen the likes of before.Once she tried the dessert, she left her home and never returned, determined to learn how to craft this sweet for herself.After years of training in Limsa's esteemed Culinarian Guild, she dreamed of opening a cafe and sharing her favourite treat with the world.What dessert is this, you may wonder?
You'll just have to ask and find out!


Adopted by Miqo'te at a young age, her family moved from Ul'dah to New Gridania.After years of adventuring as part of the Conjurer's Guild, she needed a change.
So she grabbed her pan and knife, donned her apron, and set off for Limsa Lominsa.
After years of training, and some late nights, S'uga was eager to find a place to share her new skills.Now, you can find S'uga behind the Bloom's counter, her pink apron a blur as she and Ooki craft snacks and drinks, always offering an ear and a smile for both locals and wanderers alike.

S'ugafri Redbhul

Luna Mhikuri

Bard and Occasional Cafe Worker

An experienced courtesan and bard, providing beautiful music for the ears of many.You'll find her up on stage, performing her heart out for our wonderful guests.Yet, she's never afraid to hop off stage and lend a hand when it gets busy!((Detailed bio in progress!))

Cafe Worker and Tarot Reader

A talented and beautiful Viera, constantly hard at work to keep the cafe running smoothly and ensure guests have a wonderful time.She offers unique and highly detailed tarot readings to our guests, scrying through the many threads of fate to tell your fortune.((More detailed bio in progress!))

Demi Deningrad