Now hiring!

◦Open Thursday evenings from 9pm-11pm EST!◦
◦Located on Zalera at The Mists, W14/P14◦

Welcome to the Fortune's Bloom Cafe!

Come on in and rest your weary feet. Enjoy a tasty treat or refreshing beverage and share tales of your fortune, and foibles, with friends from near and far.
Here at Fortune's Bloom we hope you find comfort and relaxation amidst good food, great music, and even better companions!

Would you like to work at the Bloom?
Now's your chance!

Hello, and thank you for your interest!The Fortune's Bloom is happy to hire individuals from all walks of life. From sea-faring pirates, to wandering bards, and even mammets, we welcome you to participate with our lovely cafe.You will:
- Receive your own custom entry on the staff page
- Be provided a full craftsman's gear set to make up your uniform
- Will be welcome to offer up any ideas you have, whether it's for design, the menu, events, or more
- Potential for a themed menu item based on your character
-Have no requirements for how often you have to attend an opening
There's only one catch- we're looking to hire on staff in as organic a manner as possible. This means regulars, well-known faces we've been able to get to know and appreciate.
Each and every one of our staff members was someone who loved the atmosphere the Bloom had to offer, and visited at least semi-regularly. Whether they were introduced by a friend, or simply wandered in during an event. Everyone is beloved, and many staff members have been around for years.
So please- if you're someone who loves the Bloom and would like to help us out, we would love to have you.
You need only contact one of the owners in-game, or through Discord.

Thank you so much for your interest!Sincerely,

Ooki Himaa

Message from the Owner

Since I first entered the world of Eorzea and was able to see all the beautiful places other people have created, I have dreamed of buying and having lots of fun at a place of my very own.After a lot of time spent trying to get a home, and then the process of upgrading, I am now very fortunate to be able to host my very own venue due to all the help from my dear friends and their endless support.Credits for the incredible new design go to the wonderful Mog Lin, who spent hours upon hours perfecting it.
Creating such a design that, in a way, truly speaks to the spirit of the place and atmosphere that I have always hoped to share with others.
It's given the Bloom fresh life, and sparked excitement for what may be waiting in the future!
There is particular credit due to S'ugafri Redbhul, for some of the wonderful ideas they have supplied and help with writing/design for this site.
They have also offered additional help with running and operating the cafe itself, which I would be lost without.
I would also like to pay credit to all the other friends who may have supplied ideas or supported me in various ways.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.
Without these wonderful friends,
I would not have what I do today and would likely never have been able to share this place I dreamed of with the world.
I have truly been blessed with the blooming of luck and good fortune in my life, and I sincerely hope all of our guests will be, as well.


Ooki Himaa

Associated Business Partners

Interested in a partnership or other business deal with the cafe?

Please contact Ooki Himaa on Zalera in game.
You may message her, or walk in during cafe open hours for an RP interaction related to your business inquiry.

You can also reach out to her on Discord at Evianle.
She will respond at her earliest convenience to your inquiry.

Current Business Partners

(Click on the business name or image to go to their Carrd website!)

Mono's Delivery Service

Fast! Friendly! Don't Worry About It!

Mono's Delivery Service is a roleplaying delivery service venture, run by Mono'sono Glu'tame on Brynhildr.This delivery service is server wide, and can provide services outside of Brynhildr - as long as it is in the Crystal server.

Your business here!

Would you like to participate more with our lovely cafe?

Click the button below to join our Discord!


Lominsan Herring Pie

A classic Lominsan snack.
A crisp and flakey pie, it is filled with small pieces of freshly caught herring, right off the docks of Limsa Lominsa.

Salmon Muffins

Using our savoury pan-fried Ishgardian muffins,
we pile these snacks high with sliced alligator pear, spinach leaves, and our delicious smoked salmon.
Last but not least, each one is topped off with a freshly cooked egg.
A delicious, healthy treat to give you energy for the whole day.

Squared Finger Sandwiches

Miniature sandwiches, with no crust in sight.
A variety of fillings are used for these sandwiches, but most traditionally they include a meat, cheese, and lettuce.
These sandwiches are then assembled, and carefully chopped into small, bite sized squares.


Teas and Juices

We carry a large variety of different teas and juices.
Ask a cafe worker about your favourite variety, we may very well have it on hand!

Hot Choco-latte

It's not a typo, we promise.
We offer a delicious mixture of classic hot chocolate and freshly prepared coffee.
Topped with a generous amount of whipped cream, and chocolate shavings.
Regular hot chocolate options are also available.

Ulras' Minty Julep

A refreshingly cool drink created by Ulras, for the hot summer weather!Made with sparkling cider, notes of citrus, and (you guessed it) a fresh sprig of mint on top for that signature minty flavour.With a cherry atop to seal the deal, no one can resist this wonderful drink.

Mono's Matcha

Green tea leaves grown and harvested from the mountain fields of Hinganshi.Made by our wonderful Mono'sono Glu'tame, an experienced Hinganshi tea brewer, you can experience the refreshing and natural flavour of their specialty green tea.You can also order tea leaves to brew this drink at home!

S'uga's High Tide Chai

A specialty S'uga learned from a curious Sahuagin running a diner out of Aleport.
This chai tea latte requires a mixing as turbulent as the high tides of the Rhotano Gulf.
A harmony of earth and sea, the secret is a touch of salt water to balance out the spices and cream.


Luna's Rolanberry Shortcake

Freshly prepared every day, every bite is soft and delicious.
Light and refreshingly sweet, although not nearly as sweet as Luna Mhikuri is.

Mystical Mint

A minty and creamy parfait, prepared with fresh chocolate pudding, whipped cream that has been flavoured with fresh mint, and grounds of chocolate all across the top.
A cool dessert, for cool people!

S'ugary Apple Strudel

A delicious baked strudel, filled with freshly sliced apple pieces and a sweet caramel sauce.
This dessert is rather sweet, which is surprising considering it's named after someone who is, quite literally, S'ugafri.

Perfect Pineapple Ponzecake

A wonderfully fruity-sweet treat!
A delicate mound of spongey soft cake, topped with a caramelised circlet of pineapple, then adorned with a puff of whipped cream and a small cherry.

Sweet Caramels

A customer favourite, these sticky sweet caramels are now a permanent menu fixture.
Somewhat chewy but still wonderfully melting in your mouth, they are a perfect sweet treat to nibble on.

Meet the Staff

All of our staff members put in a lot of effort to keep the cafe running, and assist in various ways.
This is the perfect place to learn about your favourite staff member, and what they do to help out!

Ooki Himaa

S'ugafri Redbhul

Miryl Flynt

Demi Ejinn

Head Chef
Viv Virex

Lucette Zanifois

Ein Misk

Krane Carnelian

F'hira Nulah

Mono'sono Glu'tame

Faye Blaiddyd

Kalizoth Azujax

Jackie Frosty

Ulras Caine

Krane Carnelian

He's easy to please, quick to shower others with praise and even quicker to deflect any returned to him.
He's not incredibly well read from a scholarly standpoint, but he's quite fond of poetry, folklore, and tales of daring-do obviously blown out of proportion.
He has a propensity for poeticism and romance, but is either far too polite or dimwitted to capitalize on his charm.

- Likes:
Music, poetry, gossip, dogs, coffee.
- Professions:
Retainer, front line combatant for hire, song writer, cafe server.

"That's why I came out here:
to hear all the stories I could, and listen to all the melodies the people who live them make."

Lucette Zanifois

Never to be seen without a smile on her face.Abandoned at birth and raised by Elezen Parents in The Black Shroud,
Lucette followed her cat-like instincts and ran away to the shore at a young age, in search of fish.
After becoming an adept fisherman, she found herselves upon the shores of Kugane where she met a man with certain skills with a sword.
She took up the blade, and began adventuring.
After one such adventure, she found herself in the Fortune’s Bloom. Enjoying a cup of tea and her favorite, herring pie.She has seldom left since that day, and can be found working there now.
Apron around her waist, and a smile on her face.

- Likes:
Fish, sweets, and beating people up.
- Professions:
Fisherman, amateur adventurer, full-time cafe worker.

"If you don't want to follow your heart, just get a new one!"

Kalizoth Azujax

A boisterous, charming scoundrel.Kali will proudly proclaim herself a 'pirate,' but most of her jobs these days are just delivering stuff.She first found the cafe by happenstance after a long day, and felt so easily comfortable that she fell asleep on a couch. Kali later woke up flustered, embarassed, and fell in love.Now she works some nights alongside cherished friends, wearing an apron with pride and a smile.

- Likes:
Engineering designs, philanthropic piracy, special places, sweet stories, flying ships, drinking tea, cozy cafe vibes.
- Professions:
Supplier, courier, carpenter, mechanic.

“Ahoy, welcome t’the Bloom, hope the trip here weren’t rough on ya!
Go find yerself a good seat an’ I’ll be over shortly!”

Faye Blaiddyd

Faye Blaiddyd was born to a Dalmascan gleaner and a Sharlayan scholar alongside her twin brother, Nael. From a young age, the twins were the most important things in their parents' lives and they managed to make a happy life for themselves in Rabanastre, despite the Garlean occupation. Things wouldn't remain so happy forever as they grew, circumstance would take a young twelve-year-old Faye away from her home to Radz-at-Han where she would train for the next fifteen years of her life to become a professional Hannish dancer.In the single-most tragic event in her life, Faye lost her entire family to the destruction of Rabanastre. Realizing that she was utterly alone, the traumatized young Keeper continued with her training, trying to keep her fear and loneliness at bay. Eventually, she mastered the Kriegstanz and was permitted to travel to other lands to perform and bring joy to the hearts of those who needed it most. It was during such a visit to a small cafe in Gridania that she was reunited with her brother, realizing he had somehow survived the attack on Rabanastre, albeit with the total loss of his memory.Faye has settled in Eorzea now, having found a new life and wanting to remain with her brother and the people that she has come to love.

- Likes:
Dancing, Performing, Making New Friends.
- Profession:
Professional Dancer (Hannish)

"I just want to bring joy to the hearts of those who need it most!"

Viv Virex

Viv Virex is a 25 year old adventurer and card carrying Culinarian.
She has trained with the Culinarian's Guild in Limsa Lominsa and is an experienced chef after learning the trade to cook for her wife.
A child of Doma, Viv brings a far eastern flair to Eorzean cuisine.
When not behind the counter at the Bloom, she is also well renowned as a fierce combatant and a Scion of the Seventh Dawn, as her coworkers will be quick to reveal to you if asked.
She is a fierce friend to have and an even fiercer enemy to make, but your average diner will meet a kind soul, happy to talk after a long days work.

- Likes:
Girls, Cooking, Telling Stories, Tonkotsu Ramen.
- Professions:
Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Ronin, Heretical Witch, Chef.

"We all have scars, it's the healing that matters."

Mono'sono Glu'tame

Conjurer of spells and seals, Mono uses her magicks to provide courier services across Eorzea from Hinganshi.
She carries her broomstick and her small black feline, Jiji along for ventures across Eorzea.
Whether it's delivering goods or providing services, you only need to look up to see the little lalafell flying across the sky.

- Likes:
Rice, Tea, Jiji.
- Professions:
Delivery Courier, Hinganshi Chef, Occultist, Bard.

"May the Winds of the Kami guide you, and the Light of the Moon shine through the darkness."

S'ugafri Redbhul

Bubbly, sweet, a little crass and full of love.
A Lalafell raised by Miqo'te, S'uga has been blessed with a new lease on life and a bright new take on the Realm.
S'uga looks upon every interaction as a chance to make a new friend. Whether chatting the ear off a fishmonger in the markets of Limsa Lominsa or aiding a guttersnipe in Pearl Lane, she takes every interaction with a smile.
She loves her friends, and cherishes every moment with them.
As comfortable with a bundle of tea as she is with her cane, she's always looking for a new face to chat with and befriend.

- Likes:
Pink, tea, coffee, helping the poor, sewing plushies.
- Professions:
Proprietress of the Fortune's Bloom, Medic and Chirurgeon, Reckoner of the Wicked.

"If ye dun 'ave a smile on yer face, we'll make one.
If tha' dun work, I'll spank ye on yer bum! Lovingly, o'course."

Ulras Caine

Ulras was born to wood wailers in Gridania and it shows when he's out on a battlefield or hunting. Whether it be a bow or blade, his fighting skills shine whenever he's in his element.When he's not out adventuring, he can be found mining precious stones he needs for smithing, or locked up inside his library, sketching new designs or writing reports of his journeys around Etheirys.After a night of writing, he stumbled into the Bloom on a visit back to Gridania. He immediately fell in love with the cozy cafe and has shown up weekly since, now to be found working along side those he could consider family. A glimmer in his eyes and a smile on his face, this Vii is always willing to share a tale or two.

- Likes:
Smithing, adventuring, protecting those around him, reading.
- Professions:
Adventurer for hire, bartender, courtesan.

"Our pasts don't define us, they help us shape our future and walk this path called life."

Jackie Frosty

Always exploring new venues to make new friends.
Cast away and left to die in the tundra of Ishgard.
She was found by a lovely researcher who managed to bring the former snow golem back from the brink of death.
Now a real living bun, she's learning what it means to live, always looking for new friends to share moments with.
After visiting the Fortune's Bloom many times with her love, she finally worked up enough courage to see if she could join the Bloom Family.

- Likes:
Gathering, Cooking, and Sweets.
- Professions:
Bartender, Cafe Worker, Freelancer.

"Stay frosty my friends, and always have a chill time."

Ooki Himaa

Always polite, and happy to please.Hailing from the Azim Steppe, she grew up as a proud shaman-in-training for her people, along with her beloved sister. One unfortunate day, she lost the very person she held most dear in the world. The event changed her irrevocably, destroying her prideful demeanour as well as her ability to control aether.On the worst day of her life, a traveling merchant on the outskirts of the Steppe offered her a sweet treat. In the spur of the moment, she left with them, seeking to recreate the sweet for herself as well as escape from the not-so distant past.Inevitably, her journeys took her to Limsa's esteemed Culinarian Guild, where she quickly became quite the chef. She dreamed of opening an establishment of her very own and sharing the treat that led her there with the world. Her efforts led her to meet the very first staff members of the Bloom, including her dearest friend, S'ugafri Redbhul.One fateful night and with a quickly thrown-together menu, they opened the Bloom on a whim. The rest is history.

- Likes: Ponzecake, playing music, baking, lavender (and lavender limeade)
- Professions: Accomplished chef, Amateur bard, Retired shaman apprentice for the Himaa tribe

"Please- if you ever feel as though you need somewhere to call home, I would be honoured if you considered that place to be the Bloom."